2011年9月28日 星期三

www.wantyoutube.com: Video Downloader

www.wantyoutube.com: Wantyoutube and MORE is a Video Downloader which is widely used in USA. Download online videos with Want youtube. It supports videos from sites like YouTube, 5min, Dailymotion, eHow, Facebook, Flickr, Google Video, MegaVideo, TED, Veoh, Vimeo, among many many more. Don't miss it!

The easiest way to download youtube video is to add the word "want" in video link. Like "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=..." change the URL to "http://www.wantyoutube.com/watch?v=..." Wow! Then you get your favorite youtube videos!

This method is easy, free and fast. "Wantyoutube" can download Mp4, 3Gp, which is available for your ipod, ipad. If you just need MP3 (sound file only), "Wantyoutube" can do(no need to use other converter), too. Other formats like flv is available, too.

